I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Don't believe the hype- he got what he deserved.

I'm sure y'all have all heard of Stanley "Tookie" Williams, who was executed in California early this morning. Williams was convicted in 1981 for brutally murdering 4 people, as well as starting the gang known as The Crips, which has been responsible for hundreds of deaths and thousands of violent crimes.

But because Williams wrote some children's books saying that "gangs are bad", some people in California thought that that meant that he had learned his lesson and turned around, and should be granted clemency by Gov. Schwarzenager- given a reduced sentence of some sort.

Some of the arguments used by Williams' supporters (many of who are gang members or former gang members and likely contributed to Williams' legacy of crime sprees), along with why they're wrong-

-"He learned his lesson and tried to make up for what he did"
-Writing some children's books from prison doesn't make up for years of violent crime and thousands of families being torn apart because of his actions. As every news reporter noted in the press conference following his execution, he showed no defiance and in fact tried to "go out" on a note of intimidation.

-"Witnesses came forward in the last 72 hours saying that the trial was unfair."
-It's awfully interesting how these "eye-witnesses" had over 20 years to come forward and waited until 3 days before his execution- it's also interesting how virtually all of them were friends of Williams' family or former gang members. Williams' trial was in 1981, and thus he was on death row for over 20 years before justice was served. A large part of this was because of the appeals process- every opportunity to find him innocent was shot down. Why? Because he was guilty. Various people tried to overturn his sentence, but the truth was revealed each time.

-"He maintained his innocense up until the day he died"
-Of course he did. Who's going to admit to brutally murdering 4 innocent people and being responsible for countless more deaths? The blood was on his hands. He was just too cowardly to admit it. It's not as though he was ever a credible source to begin with.

-"But his children's books got him nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!"
-Doesn't matter- no awards can make up for what he did. It's also important to note that he was nominated by a woman who was in charge of an organization who's mission was to overturn his conviction. Various news stations have noted that it's actually relatively easy to be nominated for a Nobel Prize- someone just has to submit the right paperwork and have some sort of reasoning. While his books did have a good message- educating children on the dangers of gangs- what kind of message would we be sending to our children if we let an guilty man walk free?

I decided to write this because, if someone was not following this case too closely, it might appear that his supporters made sense. However, looking just a little bit deeper, we can see that they are wrong. Stanley "Tookie" Williams- maybe God will have mercy on your soul, even though you don't deserve it.

Don't believe what the interest groups are trying to sell you. By looking at the undisputable facts of this case, it's obvious that Williams was a brutal, cold hearted murderer who committed heinous acts of crime and terrorism against society.

As John Adams put it over 200 years ago- "Let justice be done though the heavens may fall." After over 20 years, justice was finally served to Stanley Williams. God Bless the families of his victims, and God Bless the United States of America.

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