I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

How's this for "Nuclear"?

I am absolutely sick of hearing the word "filibuster" everytime I turn on the television. As you know, the Democrats are using this in an attempt to block President Bush's judicial nominees.

My point today isn't over whether the Republicans should go for this "Nuclear Option", which would ban filibusters over judicial nominees, or not. Because I say- if the Democrats really want to filibuster that badly, let them do it. But they better be doing it for reals.

That means- someone is to be speaking at all times. If they're reading from the New York phonebook, fine- but they better be doing it all night. No bathroom breaks, no dinner breaks, and for sure no going home at night.

Then see how long it takes them to realize that-

A. They are obstructing justice, because nothing else is getting done.
B. They are Losing even more votes, because Americans are tired of their childish games, or
C. They really have to get some sleep.

If they're willing to go to those kind of lengths, then I say let them. Because eventually, they're going to cave in. And when they do, they'll realize that all this crap they've been pulling has been pointless.

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