I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

It's a great time to be a Republican

Well anybody who's been keeping up with the issues lately can tell you that things are going pretty good for the Republican party and the election!

-The Republican National Convention was a HUGE success, as President Bush as now running away with the polls. Now generally I don't rely on polls very much, but it's pretty hard to ignore these. With the popular vote he's been as much as 13 points ahead of Kerry- enough to qualify as a "landslide election"!! On C-Span last Friday morning, they took an "electorate poll"- polled the individual states, which is what really matters, of course. Bush had 31 states, adding up to over 300 electoral votes, well over the 271 needed to win!! Kerry only had 17 states, with about 210 votes. 3 states were tied, and their alloted votes added up to only 20, so even if Kerry won all 3 of them, he wouldn't have enough. :)

-Aside from having the desired effects on the public, the Convention in itself was awesome!! I particularly enjoyed Zell Miller's energetic speech. I think if you can get somebody from the other party to speak at your convention- particularly one who spoke at the 1992 Democratic Convention for Bill Clinton- then that's pretty good. Ah-nold was great as always, but we can't forget G.W.!! 2 of my friends from school and I hosted a "Bush-rally" at my house on September 2, when W. accepted the nomination for President!! It was too cool. We also played "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", but we had a picture of Kerry on the donkey's head- it was great.

-The CBS "memos" turned out to be fake- as we all knew all along. The best part about this- it was designed by somebody to discredit Bush, but I think it's actually making the Democrats look worse!

-All in all, I think people are getting tired of the left's rhetoric and Kerry's flip-flopping. His latest flip- about a month ago he said he would have still voted to declare war on Iraq even with the new "evidence". Yesterday, however, he said that he would not have removed Saddam from office had he been president. What a loser!! He's making his own party base fall out, because he never seems to know what he stands for!! Our friends at the Democratic Underground aren't too happy about the poll numbers, and they generally agree that it's because Kerry needs to state his positions clearly and stick with them!! All I have to say is- 4 More Years :)

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