I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Saturday, May 29, 2004

What happened to the WMD's? The media got them

No this isn't one of those comments about the WMD's never existing- what I mean to say is what happened to the ones we found? Obviously something was done about them, but how come Fox News was the only news station to even touch on the subject?

In case you haven't heard, a few weeks ago a sarin bomb was found coming from Syria- I really don't know enough facts to talk about it. But what I do know is that anytime something happens that might be REMOTELY positive for the war, the media completely ignores it!! This is crap!! Our media is going to lose this war for us and put innocent American lives at danger! Think about it- the Abu Ghirab prisoner scandal, for instance. Now I'm not saying this wasn't a horrible event that should never have happened, but it did. So report it- tell us about it, then LET IT GO. By dragging it out for weeks and weeks, the only thing it has accomplished has been to create anti-American sentiments and make other countries even more mad at the United States. Had those pictures not been drilled into us every second of every day, who knows, maybe Nick Berg would still be alive. I'm NOT advocationg censorship or hiding the truth, but come on!! Let's give some equal air time to the positive aspects of this war. Let's show the people that there's more to it than just death and destruction- that people's lives are being changed for the better and improvements are being made.

I realize that complaining about it won't change anything, but I'm just real tired of this.

Monday, May 10, 2004

The case for Iraq

I came across a GREAT article today at Right Wing News. In the comments of John Kerry flip-flop post, "rastus" tried to make the claim that the Bush administration changes their minds just as much as John Kerry, especially concerning the war with Iraq. But, "CavalierX" came back with the link to a document voted on by Congress and avaliable for the public to read entitled "Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq", which you can read here. I haven't had the chance to read it very thouroughly, just comb through it, but it lists about a dozen reasons for the war in Iraq- so if anybody ever tries to say that reasons for the war have been changed, you can say BAM and pull this one out. The reasons for was haven't been changed, just listed at different times.

If you're at Right Wing News, be sure to check out an article showing Bush as the great man he truly is- the article and link for the pictures are now in the archive section at Right Wing News, probably under Bush. It is a touching and moving look at how compassionate our president is- but I didn't need an article to tell me that.

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