I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Bush's State of the Union Address

Well I just got finished watching the president's annual State of the Union Address to Congress, and I must say, it is another fine speech from our president, full of moments that say "Bam! Take that!" to Democrats, terrorists, and Hollywood celebrites that hate America. Some major issues-

*Renewal of the Patriot Act- this drew mixed opinions, not surprisingly. A couple of standing ovations, especially from the right, with one from the Democrats when Bush said that the Patriot Act was set to expire. But that's okay, because there were a lot more people who stood up for renewing it.

*Capture of Saddam, war on terror- overall approval from the audience, with an exception of Ted Kennedy, who was sitting there like the fat idiot he is shaking his head at everything Bush had to say concerning Saddam especially. Yes, Big Fat Teddy K, we ARE a safer nation without the constant threat of Saddam, sorry if you don't like it but that's just how it is.

*Economy- Bush cited that the economy is on the rebound, with the last quarter of 2003 showing the best boost in the economy in 20 years, with inflation low and interest rates down. Unemployment rate is falling and people are making more money. However, this drew some mixed reviews as well- FACTS, SOLID UNDENIABLE FACTS!! I can sort of understand not appluading for things you don't agree with, such as the Patriot Act or funding proposals, but c'mon people, these figures are solid truths, and they are all GOOD things. When you sit there and scowl it makes you look as if you WANT the economy to be bad and people to be without jobs. Oh wait- most of you do, at least as long as there's a Republican in office. And they (Democrats) wonder why they seem cold, bitter and unapproachable? ;)

That's it for tonight- tomorrow, time permitting, I will offer some more of my commentary on some of the specifics of Bush's speech. Have a great day!!

Monday, January 19, 2004

Kerry takes Iowa

Well I said I would be back in tonight, so here I am, even though it will be really short because I have to finish making posters for cheerleading! So here it goes, some breaking news...

John Kerry of Massachusetts has won the Iowa primary caucus, with John Edwards finishing in 2nd, and Howard Dean in 3rd. Dick Gephart (Richard?) came in 4th, and announced that he is withdrawing from the presidental race.

First of all, I must say I am fairly surprised, with John Kerry winning and John Edwards coming so close... Edwards has seem to kind of come from nowhere these past few days... but with more state primaries coming up and the actual ballot votes in, what, March...? I think in March, but anyways there are a lot of things that could turn out differently than expected... you never know with those wascaly Democwats... ;)

Democratic Primary begins today with Iowa

Yes, it's that time of the year, when all the Democrats come out from their caves and cast their votes for who they think is the best Democrat to try to beat George W. Bush out for president. :D

Today marks the beginning of the Iowa caucas, with other states to soon follow. Suddenly, Howard Deanie-Weanie isn't feeling so confident, with John Kerry coming up behind him, and Dick (although recently I've been hearing him referred to as Richard...) Gephart (I guess he realized that nobody wants a Dick for a president... :D :D :D) and John Edwards not to far behind either.

My step-father just told me that results from Iowa won't be in until probably close to 8:00 p.m. central time... it's now close to 5:30 here, so I'll try to post again tonight after the results are in.

(P.S.- sorry for the lack of posting this last week, I've had school every day, with debate tournments on Saturday, which I got first place in :) and then yesterday I was in bed all day sick :(
(P.P.S.- My parents actually got a letter from some Democratic chairperson asking us to donate money to the Democratic Party so we can "get that president of ours out of office"... despite the fact that my parents are both registered Republicans... boy these people are stupid. I suggested that they send a check for $0... lol)

Hope everybody had a great Martin Luther King, Jr. day... I know I did, no school and I got to go shopping!! Everyday should be a holiday... :D
Until next time, which will hopefully be later tonight...

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Possible new immigration laws

You may have heard about George W. Bush pushing for a new immigration law to be passed. Although I admitedly do not know everything about this particular act, I'll tell you the main parts of what little I do know about it-
*Non-citizens can receive a three-year sort-of visa that enables them to work in the United States
*They must be in work the entire time or have proof that an employer is going to hire them
*Illegal aliens can obtain driver's licenses

Now for that last part- how much since does that make? I really don't see how this could do any good, and in fact it would just make traffic even heavier and more dangerous in border cities such as El Paso, Texas. If you want to receive the benefits of being an American citizen, such as receiving an American license, then BECOME AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!!!

As for the first part of the act, I don't see much of a problem with non-citizens being able to work here, as long as they are paying taxes, which I'm sure the vast majority of them are not.

Let me put this out- I don't have a problem with a person just because they aren't American. One of the great things about our country is that we are a mixture of so many different kinds of cultures, religions, ethnicities, etc. But if you want to be an American or live in this country, you need to at least make the same sacrifices as the rest of us, and one of those is taxes.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

The 10 Worst Quotes from the Left

Any of you who have ever visited the Democratic Underground know that it is full of angry, Bush-hating, Dean-loving liberals. These are the people that wave the "No Blood for Oil" signs and think the entire world is out to get them. All of their complaints start to sound the same after awhile--we hate America, what's good for Bush is bad for us, and we're all a bunch of big fat losers who want nothing more than to witness the downfall of our country.

Right Wing News has taken the time to compile their favorite (or perhaps least favorite?) quotes coming directly from the Democratic Underground. I'm only going to post the link for this one, rather than the entire article on this page, but then I will offer my commentary on the ones that really make me mad.

Here's the link... and now for my spin.

#9- wishing that Uday and Quasay (evil sons of Saddam) were still alive
I made my own link to this exact thread back the day after their deaths, and you can view it in its entirety in the archives, I think it was in July.
After all these months of blogging, it still blows my mind that anybody could possibly have any sympathy for these evil men, but still claim that Bush is the anti-Christ and the most evil man to ever walk this planet. How low can you possible sink.

#8- happiness in the death of a soldier
Okay, to tell the truth, I really don't know much about this Mike Kelly- in fact I had never heard of him before today. But as far as I can tell, he was a rather well-known soldier who was killed in Iraq. This man is fighting for the liberation of millions of Iraqis as well as the protection for all Americans, including scum like the author of this thread, "jackswift", and he has the nerve to call him his enemy. Hey "jackswift", here's an idea- how about you strap on some camoflague and go fight alongside the Iraqi forces- if the death of American soldiers is what gives you your jollies, then that's where you belong.

#7- capture of Saddam is bad for me
Same old complaints- "I think it's good for Bush so it's bad for me". As I have said before, there are some times in this country when you need to STOP being a Democrat or Republican and START being American! Don't you EVEN try to tell me you're patriotic and you love your country when you make remarks like that.

#5- capture of Saddam doesn't make me any money
Now this one's just stupid. "How does (the capture of Saddam) help someone face a bleak Christmas because they lost their job?" Uhh, hey idiot- it doesn't, that's not the point. We all have problems- stop blaming it on the government and own up to your own actions. I realize that there are some people who are in very bad situations, sometimes beyond their control, and I feel very sorry for them. But the rest of the country can't help you any more than you can help yourself. As for the last sentence, "It just doesn't make me any money", I think that's about as selfish of a comment as could possibly be made in this situation. Of course it doesn't make you any money, but you know what will? Get off you *ss and get a job! Work for something instead of spending your day complaining and asking for hand-outs!!

#4- Right Wing News is a fascist, racist, nazi group
I think this one is directed at not just Right Wing News but Republicans in general. Don't these people have anything better to do than sit at their computers criticizing Bush and the war? I almost feel sorry for anybody who has that much anger and hate inside of them. While I dislike many liberals and their policies, I would never even dream of spitting out something like this- do you kiss your children with that mouth, lady? Geez.

#3- Too bad the President didn't die on September 11th
Okay while "LiberalLibra" may not have said those exact words, it was implied in every way possible-- "As for when the plane hit the Pentagon... I screamed at the TV "Get the WH (White House), for God's sake you missed the WH." Somebody wishing for the assassination of their own President should be arrested for treason. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but these are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who get mad at others for calling them "Un-American". This person wants to give Saddam a medal for his efforts to kill "Daddy" Bush! How insane can you get!?

#2- Republicans are stupid
This person links all Republicans in the 80-99% of the population intelligence-wise. And call us prejudice. Just for "Janekat's" knowledge, both Bill O'Reily and George W. Bush score over 150 points higher on the SAT's than her heros, Al Gore, Howard Dean and Al Franken. She also claims that "most newspapers and media outlets are owned by Republicans". Hello? The ONLY nationally syndicated news program that isn't COMPLETELY left is Fox News. Sorry that you don't completely own the media, but get over it!! She says herself that Fox News and Bill O'Reily are the most popular outlets for getting news, but that's because most of the population is tired of hearing your liberal antics and left-spin on things on CNN. Take it as a clue that people are tired of only hearing half of the news.

I realize that many of my comments on tonight's post might be viewed as extreme, and perhaps some of them are. But sometimes that's what it takes, and these are values and ideas that I would fight to the death. If you would like to offer your own views, feel free to contact me at right_winged@yahoo.com.

Until next time, God Bless America and have a safe and blessed 2004!!

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