I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, October 31, 2003

Saddam playing role in Iraq attacks?

I ran across a really good story from MSNBC that I thought I would start off with. So here it is, with the link at the bottom for the rest of the story.

NEW YORK, Oct. 31 — Saddam Hussein may be playing a key role in coordinating and directing attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq, The New York Times reported late on Thursday, quoting senior U.S. officials.

THE OFFICIALS CITED intelligence reports showing Saddam was acting as a catalyst or a leader in the armed resistance, probably from somewhere near his hometown Tikrit, it said.
The administration of President Bush has said Saddam was on the run and insignificant, it noted, adding the latest intelligence lent urgency to the hunt for the former dictator.
The officials cited by the Times acknowledged that the reports of Saddam playing a leadership role could not be corroborated, and one official quoted in the story said intelligence reports offered conflicting views.

Read the rest of the story here

Back and in action

To any faithful readers who are still trying to check out my webpage (and haven't seen anything new for over a month), I owe you a huge apology. My home computer was having problems with the Internet connection, and public computers that I have access to have filters that block out the home page for my web host. I know that some really big things have been happening, both politically and socially, so I'm going to try to catch up a little bit. In the mean time, stick with me as I add things probably kind of slow for awhile, but I promise I'm still alive and I really appreciate y'all.

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