I think... therefore I am Republican....................Proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!!....................Liberalism? Not in my name!!....................Politically Incorrect and proud of it!!....................Hasta la vista, Davis!!....................Made in the U.S.A.!! Right Winged <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Oh nooo...

President Bush's approval rating has slipped to its lowest standpoint for his term in office- for the first time, it is below the majority, at 49% approving of his performance. (1007 people were polled, with an error margin of 3.1%)

Being just 4 months away from the first primary, Democrats are more determined than ever to find a candidate who will be able to "reduce his standing to a political rubble" (MSNBC).

With 9 million people currently unemployed, it would be good for Bush it the economy could recover. 52% DISapprove of the way President Bush is handling the economy, his highest disapproval rating ever.

However, 60% of those polled approve of how the war in Iraq is being handled.

According to MSN news, though, previous presidents have been in worse political jams and managed to rebound--

-At the start of 1948, only 41 percent of Gallup Poll respondents said they would vote for President Harry Truman. He ended up winning the election with 49 percent of the popular vote and carried 28 states.

-At the start of 1980, only 31 percent of Gallup respondents said they’d vote for Republican Ronald Reagan. On Election Day, he crushed incumbent President Carter in a historic landslide.

-Many observers wrote off President Clinton as “irrelevant” in early 1995 after Republicans had won control of the House and Senate. Clinton easily defeated Republican challenger Bob Dole to win a second term.

-And unlike other recent Republican presidents, Bush at least need not cope with an insurgent candidacy from within GOP ranks. In the early months of 1976, it looked as if President Gerald Ford would be rejected by his own party in favor of Reagan. Ford barely survived the primaries.

So can President Bush bounce back and steal the 2004 election? Come election time, I might just have to break out with a "Bush 2004" button, since I can't actually vote myself this time... :(

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Total Recall... it's on!!

The recall election has been set for its original date of October 7, despite attempts to delay it by the American Civil Liberties Union.

That means Gray Davis and the 135 candidates competing for his position as governor of California have less than 2 weeks to wrap up their campaigns.

Gov. Davis welcomes the ruling, saying, "I think we have the momentum, and I think we should strike while the iron is hot."

Personally, I don't think Davis has had much momentum since the recall was announced, and his chances of NOT being recalled are, in my opinion, slim to none.

So who's the most likely to replace him? Well a few weeks back I posted a poll showing that Dem. Cruz Bustamante was in the lead, HOWEVER, that has changed, and Rep. Arnold has pretty much been carrying the polls.

If you have an opinion on who the future governor of California will be, or on any other subject that has been discussed, or a subject that you think SHOULD be discussed, write me at:

right_winged @ yahoo.com

That's it for today- hope you had a great first day of autumn (Sept. 23)!!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Al-Qaida figure says bin Laden dropped Asia, West Coast strikes

Sept. 21 -- The former operations chief of al-Qaida has provided details of the plot behind the Sept. 11 attacks. NBC's Rosiland Jordan reports.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, has told American interrogators that he first discussed the plot with Osama bin Laden in 1996 and that the original plan called for hijacking five commercial jets on each U.S. coast before it was modified several times, according to interrogation reports reviewed by The Associated Press.

(Read the complete story here)

Saturday, September 20, 2003

I read this cute little story at Right Wing News and I liked it so much I decided to borrow it. ;) So here's the first of it, and if you want to read the rest you can follow the link at the bottom.

In My World: Buck the Marine and the Jolly Rancher Bandits by Frank J.

"Why are you filming the G.I.’s helping school children?" CNN's Lefty Stevens asked Fox News's Melinda Hawkish, "There's no story there."

"I think people would be interested in how war and destruction has improved the lives of the Iraqis," Melinda answered.

"Bah! Only stories of failure are news worthy," Stevens answered. Nearby he saw a troop fall to the ground, and he and his cameraman quickly rushed over to film him. "Yet another troop has fallen in this burgeoning quagmire," Stevens narrated.

"I'm alright," said Private Gomer, standing up, "I just done tripped on a rock."

"D@mmit!" Stevens exclaimed, "Well scream for us if you are more seriously wounded."

Read the rest of the story here.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

In Remembrance

I'm not going to report any news today. Today's not the right day for that- I just wanted to post a few thoughts.

Being the two-year anniversary of the attacks on New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, I just wanted to ask anyone reading this to take a moment and remember those who died on that tragic day, and thank those who sacrificied their lives for the well-being of others.

Think of those who are currently overseas trying to ensure that a horrible attack on our nation won't ever happen again.

If faith is a part of your life, say a short prayer for the souls of those who passed on, and their families who are still suffering with grief.

Pray for the leaders of your state and our country and world, and pray that they make good desicions.

And most importantly- never never forget. Never forget that you are an American, and you live in the greatest country in the world.

Never forget the horrific events of September 11, 2001- because when we forget about events like that, that's when we're most vunerable for yet another.

I have never in my life been more proud to be an American. United we stand, but divided we fall.

God Bless America.

I will not forget the wound to our country and those who inflicted it. I will not yield, I will not rest, I will not relent in waging this struggle for freedom and security for the American people. -- George W. Bush

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